Sunday, May 19, 2013

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

Even though it's taken a while to get to this point, I'm actually ready to leave.  It's made it easier now that I've said goodbye to most everyone - there's a sort of closure that makes me ready to go.  To answer the most frequent question of the past couple days "How are you feeling?"... I don't really know.  I can finally say I'm excited to go - it helps when I see pictures like this and realize it's the amazing family that I'm going to be spending the summer with.  I think I'm a little anxious because I don't know anything about what my time is Ethiopia is going to look like, but I also have an unexplainable sense of peace. 
The biggest thing I want out of this summer is a chance to see God come through in ways that I never have before.  I'm excited to be put in situations where I have no choice but to trust Him, and to watch how He provides.  Lately it's been hard to see a "need" for God - our culture makes it so easy not to trust God and rely on our own strength, our money, or false senses of security to bring us hope, and I'm excited to be put in situations where I have no choice but to put myself on a limb and wait on God.  I'm excited for the chance to learn what it ACTUALLY means to trust God and to get to know who He is instead of what we define Him as.  And I'm excited to be stretched outside of my comfort zone - to be in a place where I don't speak the language and figure out how to connect with people I have seemingly nothing in common with.  I'm not really excited to stick out like a sore thumb, but I'm kind of looking forward to it because it will help me relate to people who do.

The goal is to update this blog once a week with pictures, thoughts, stories, and whatever else I can.  I figure it'll be fun to look back on, and a cool way to share.  The 21st century makes this too easy.

Prayer requests:

- Safe travels
- Patience
- Strength for Katie Gleason: she's recovering from a broken pelvis bone while taking care of 4 kids, LOTS of luggage, a husband, 2 college girls, and going to Ethiopia.

Adios, America.  See you in 2 months... maybe! First I have to make it to the 5:30 a.m. flight.... WHOOOO!

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